UL EX-4510 12-1-01 Page 8-1
Refer to AUTOPULSE installation, operation, and mainte-
nance manuals for detailed instructions on resetting the
electric detection system.
If AUTOPULSE Control System is utilizing
an ANSUL AUTOMAN II-C releasing
device for pneumatic actuation,
AUTOPULSE panel will remain in trouble
condition until ANSUL AUTOMAN II-C
release is recocked.
If utilizing an ANSUL AUTOMAN II-C release with thermal
detectors, detectors must be cooled down, below their set
point, before release can be reset.
Refer to ANSUL AUTOMAN II-C Installation, Operation, and
Maintenance Manuals, Part No. 17788 and 31496, for
detailed instructions.
Piping and Nozzles
A fire condition could cause damage to the piping and noz-
zles and possibly support members. Check all rigid pipe
supports and all fitting connections. Take the nozzles off the
piping, inspect for damage, corrosion, or obstructions, clean
and re-install.
Selector Valve
NOTE: When actuators are removed to be reset, the selec-
tor valve will automatically reset itself.
Reset the selector valves by completing the following steps:
1. Reset HF actuator and booster actuator. Refer to reset-
ting instructions.
2. If necessary, reset lever actuator on top of selector
valve. If required, replace pin and reseal with lead wire
seal, Part No. 197.
Electric Detection System
plete resetting instructions, refer to Installation, Operation,
and Maintenance Manuals, Part No. 17788 and 31496.
AUTOPULSE CONTROL SYSTEM – For complete reset-
ting instructions, refer to the appropriate installation, opera-
tion, and maintenance manual.
Pressure Switch
Reset the pressure switch by completing the following
1. Make certain all pressure in the line to the switch has
been properly relieved.
2. Push in red knob on end of pressure switch plunger.
3. Make certain electrical function has been correctly
Resetting the HF Actuator
The HF actuator must be reset after each use. An arming
tool, Part No. 75433, is required. To rearm, complete the fol-
lowing steps:
1. Remove electrical power to the HF actuator.
2. Remove the actuator from the CV-98 valve or the selec-
tor valve.
3. Using the arming tool, Part No. 75433, push up on the
actuator pin located at the bottom of the actuator. The
actuator pin will be locked in the armed position when a
"snap" is heard.
4. Do not reinstall actuator until booster actuator is reset.
Resetting the Booster Actuator
The booster actuator must be reset after each use. A reset
tool, Part No. 429847, is required. To reset, complete the fol-
lowing steps:
1. Remove the booster actuator from the CV-98 valve or
the selector valve.
2. Make certain the internal threaded plug in the reset tool,
Part No. 429847, is backed out approximately half way.
3. Hand tighten the reset tool into the bottom of the boost-
er actuator.
4. Turn the internal threaded plug of the reset tool clock-
wise (into the booster actuator) until a "snap" is heard.
5. Back out the internal threaded plug one to two turns.
6. Unscrew the reset tool from the booster actuator.
7. Check to confirm that it is reset properly: the top pin of
the booster actuator will be approximately flush with the
top of the actuator. The bottom pin will be flush with the
inside surface of the actuator.
Once both the HF actuator and the booster actuator are
reset, reinstall both and restore electrical power to the sys-
tem if all other recharge steps have been completed.
Resetting And Recharge