certified according to the ec r&tte directive 1995/5/ec.
nOtes On the ce - cOnFOrMity
Functional impairments of the devices (the device) can occur under the effect of strong static, electrical
or high frequency fields (discharges, mobile telephones, radio communication systems, mobile phones,
cLeaning and Maintenance
disconnect the devices from the mains power supply (pull plug) before cleaning. the housing surface can be
cleaned with a soft cloth dampened with soap solution. do not use scrubbing means or chemicals.
saFety instructiOns
immediately deactivate devices and pull the plug in case of damage to housing, plugs, mains cables or
insulation damage.
eLectric shOck - MOrtaL danger
the receiver does not have a separate mains circuit.
immediately deactivate device (pull the plug) in case of damage to housing, the aerial, the power supply
plug or other insulation damage. send us the device and have the damage immediately repaired by our
service department.
do not attempt to repair it yourself.
anneX a: speech Output
the MOdel paris has an additional function, in order to signal malfunctions or specific actions by speech
output and to facilitate operation. the spoken remarks are given and cannot be changed. the speech output
is activated as factory default. read item (5.6) of this manual in order to deactivate.
the following table shows, in which situation which remark is spoken.
situatiOn/actiOn - spOken reMark
actiVate key LOck/keypress with actiVated key LOck
keys are locked
deactiVate key LOck
key lock is deactivated
deactiVate acOustic range cOntrOL
acoustic range alarm is deactivated
actiVate acOustic range aLarM
acoustic range alarm is activated receiver is plugged in rechargeable battery is being charged
receiVer rechargeaBLe Battery nearLy eMpty
attention, rechargeable battery empty! swing out plug and charge device from the mains power supply