disturBed receptiOn
attention, radio transmission disturbed, no reception
Language seLectiOn
You have the possibility to set the languages german, english, italian, French, danish or dutch by pressing
the key (21) on the receiver. the set language appears briefly on the display. de for german, en for english,
it for italian, Fr for French, da for danish, nl for dutch.
anneX B: reset FunctiOn
reset = resetting to the factory settings in the event of malfunctions.
a microprocessor controls all important functions of this digital babysitter. power supply disturbances or
extremely discharged batteries/rechargeable batteries can poss. cause functional impairments, which can
be simply corrected by a reset. a reset function has been integrated for this reason.
this reset is accomplished in the receiver by pressing the key (19) (e.g. with a thin pin). the transmitter
also has this reset function. a reset is also accomplished here by pressing the key (19).
Make sure that you do not inadvertently carry out a reset, since the individually selected settings for
channel and volume/sensitivity are also reset to the factory settings.
a transmission is not possible, if the receiver and transmitter channels deviate.
anneX c: MOdiFicatiOn OF transMitting pOwer
the key (20) for adjusting transmitting power is located on the rear side of the device, slightly sunk-in. this
key must be briefly pressed once (e.g. with a thin pin) to modify the transmitting power. the display informs
you on the transmitting power with the symbol “Hi” or “lO” (7.7). “Hi” stands for high performance,
with an open-air range of approx. 400m, and “lO” for low transmitting power with an open-air range of
approx. 100m.
anneX d: trOuBLeshOOting
errOr descriptiOn - possible error correction
deVice cannOt Be actiVated.
charge rechargeable batteries, connect power pack to power supply.
LOw range
check setting of transmitting power, unfold aerial. check the device at another location, in order to exclude
interference by external devices.
receiVer repOrts interruptiOn OF radiO transMissiOn.
check channel setting on transmitter and receiver.
deVice dOes nOt react tO key actuatiOn
check whether key lock is activated. possibly carried out reset on the device (annex B).