Operating instructiOns
we thank you for purchasing the mobile radio Babysitter MOdel paris.
You have acquired a device manufactured according to state-of-the-art radio engineering, which combines
a multiplicity of the most modern and technical innovations. the devices are manufactured in long-lived
sMd-technology and have electronic, wear-free keys. clear and simple symbols on a lc-display represent
the operational functions. speech output additionally notifies you of e.g. errors, functions etc.
please read the operating instructions before start-up carefully, in order to ensure perfect functioning for
many years.
1. generaL inFOrMatiOn
this device utilises speech output. For further information see annex a.
the transmitter can be operated with the enclosed power pack as well as with batteries or commercial
nicd/niMH rechargeable batteries. the rechargeable batteries can be charged directly in the transmitter
by the power pack.
an additional night-light can be alternatively permanently activated by means of the sound volume or
automatically. the BM 1 (motion detector with microphone) or the motion control device Bca 900 can be
connected as accessories.
the receiver has its own power supply with built in niMH rechargeable batteries and requires no separate
power pack. the power supply plug is inserted into the rear wall of the device and can be swivelled out
during mains power supply for simultaneous charging of the rechargeable batteries.
this ensures extreme flexibility during use of the receiver, without always having to have a separate power
pack or battery charger available for the rechargeable batteries.
radio transmission takes place in the 40 MHz band on 20 channels. the channels 1-18 are provided with
digital encoding, in order to suppress interference by other radio communication systems. the channels
19 and 20 have no encoding, so that the localisation of interference sources is facilitated in cases of
interference. the MOdel paris additionally has a permanent range control, which immediately indicates a
radio transmission disturbance, visually, acoustically and by speech output.
the range is approx. 400 meters in the open. the range is reduced to approx. 100 metres, when using a
battery/rechargeable battery.
2. transMitter start-up
2.1 pOwer adapter cOnnectiOn
connect the enclosed power adapter to the socket (1). plug the adapter into the foreseen socket. this
ensures a continuous mains power supply.
2.2 Battery/rechargeaBLe Battery OperatiOn
Open the battery compartment (2) by pressing the fastener back (2.1). the switch (3) is located in the
battery compartment for battery /rechargeable battery operation. this switch is covered after inserting
the batteries or rechargeable batteries.