the bars run from right to left and indicate charging of rechargeable batteries. the charging function is
also visible on the display when the device is switched off. the symbol does not indicate the charge state
of the rechargeable batteries during charging. Overcharging is impossible during continuous mains power
Full power is always displayed, even after a short charging time, since the capacity and storage
characteristics of rechargeable batteries differ from those of a battery. this is however not an accurate
statement on the actual capacity of a rechargeable battery. the charging time should therefore always be
at least 10 to 15 hours.
capacity warning signaLs
a. Flashing of the right battery bar indicates a capacity warning; the control display (8) is “red”. the speech
output (annex a) is also activated.
the display lighting is simultaneously activated for 5 seconds and a long beep is to be heard. the remaining
device operating time cannot be specified.
it depends on the quality of the used batteries and/or rechargeable batteries and on the device function.
the batteries should now be exchanged or the rechargeable batteries charged.
the battery bar extinguishes and the warning sound is to be heard permanently, if the capacity diminishes
further. the device is not functional anymore and switches to “OFF” after short period.
the settings might have changed and the radio communication is no longer given after renewed
please check channel and microphone sensitivity (see the following steps).
4.3 adjusting the channeL
the next channel is activated by briefly pressing the key (9). channels are continuously activated one
after the other by holding the key (9) down. each change of channel is acknowledged by a beep. channel
20 is followed by channel 1. the channel display (7.2) always indicates the currently selected channel. it
is irrelevant for the device operation, which channel you have selected. it can nevertheless be necessary
to change the channel, in case of interference or reception of other radio communication systems or radio
babysitters. the channels 1-18 are to be favoured, since only these are digitally encoded. channel 19 and
20 are not digitally encoded and are used to locate possible interference. it is possible that the MOdel paris
occasionally displays lack of reception, if e.g. a similar device is in operation in the neighbourhood. in this
case you should switch to channel19 and check for a few minutes, whether your MOdel paris is receiving
another Babyfon. carry out the same procedure on channel 20, if this is not the case.
transmitter and receiver must always be set to the same channel (7.2).
4.4 adjusting the MicrOphOne sensitiVity
adjust the transmitter sensitivity with the push buttons “+/-” (10). this is alterable in 9 steps and is indicated
by the display bars (7.4): 1 bar = minimum, 9 bars = maximum. the setting activates the transmitter,