depending upon the sound volume (e.g. child crying or screaming) and the sound being subsequently
transmitted to the receiver. repeated pressing advances the value.
4.5 transMissiOn dispLay
the display shows the transmission symbol (7.3) during sound activation of the transmitter. the sound
recorded by the microphone is now transmitted to the receiver. a non-audible test signal is transmitted
approximately every 5 seconds additionally to the sound transmission. the flashing transmission symbol
(7.3) likewise indicates this function . the receiver evaluates this encoded signal for range control.
4.6 transMitter aeriaL
pull the transmitter aerial (11) out of the device by the tab. the aerial straightens vertically and should
remain in this position, in order to obtain the largest possible range. the aerial can then be reinserted into
the device for transport.
4.7 nightLight
the nightlight function is only available during power adapter operation. the switch (12) activates the
nightlight (13).
–nightlight deactivated •
-nightlight activated •
- the nightlight is
automatically activated and deactivated by the sound activation of the transmitter.
4.8 sOcket (prOtected By a ruBBer pLug)
an auxiliary microphone with motion detector can be connected to the socket (14). this device is suitable
for monitoring a children’s room or for upgrading the monitoring system for a further children’s room.
a further additional babysitter unit is therefore not required. an motion detector can additionally be
connected to the socket; this sounds alarm, if no movements are registered for longer than 20 seconds
(also breathing movements).
4.9 Fastening cLip
either the screwed on fastening clip or the enclosed Velcro can be used to mount the transmitter. unscrew the
fastening clip for this purpose and pull the Velcro through under the fastening clip.
5. adjusting receiVer FunctiOns
5.1 adjusting VOLuMe
adjust the receiver volume with the push buttons « +/- » (10). this is alterable in 9 steps and is indicated
by the display bars (7.4): repeated pressing advances the value. 1 bar = minimum, 9 bars = maximum. a
remaining volume is intended and cannot be set to 0.
5.2 LuMinOus rOw dispLay
the luminous row (15) visually indicates the transmitted noises. “green” = quiet, “red” = loud sounds. the
display is independent of the volume setting.
5.3 receptiOn dispLay and range cOntrOL
range and reception perfect - display does not move. the symbol Ok (7.3) is visible on the display. the
symbol is present during a perfect connection, even if the transmitter does not transmit any sounds; it
signals radio communication between the transmitter and the receiver.