Release Date 9 July 2021
Anemoment LLC
Command Line Interface - Expert Mode
When expert mode is enabled, these extra commands are present in the help menu. It is
recommended that you understand the effects of these commands before you use
Table 10: Serial Commands In Expert Mode
averagesize [<size>]
Set or Show the size of the average of samples.
This command specifies the number of internal
samples to average before generating an
output, when combined with the samperate
command below it affects the output data rate.
For simplicity, it is better to use the outputrate
command in the basic menu.
digitalgain [<gain>]
Get or Set the digital gain. Digital, or software,
gain is set by the calibration command.
Changing digitalgain can affect the stability of
your output data.
distance [<value>] (x1 or x4)
Set or Show the distance between transducers.
This is one of the calibration factors set during
the calibration cycle. If you enter the value as a
single number, it will be applied to all four
distances. If you enter four values, they will be
applied respectively to the four distance values.
The mechanical distance between transducers
of a TSM is 0.03486.
humiditycalibrate [slope <slope>|offset <offset>]
Gets or sets the slope and offset humidity
calibration factors. This command allows the
Users to add their own slope and offset values
to the humidity senor output. Note that the
humidity is transferred through the Gore-Tex
Pvent on the bottom of the TSM and can take
several minutes to equalized with there is a
rapid change in humidity. Using the command
without parameters returns the current slope
and offset values. Providing the slope and offset
parameter values sets these values for the
humidity sensor.
Sets or shows the low power configuration
parameters. Low power mode can be woken
internally, or externally. Do not use the external
wake mode on a TSM-WWS.