Anemoment LLC
Data Logger 422 User Manual
The DL422-B includes the DL422 circuit board, a 6-pin connector assembly, and a 12-pin connector
assembly. Information on connecting the connector assemblies to the board appear in Chapter 5.
The DL422-B circuit board may be attached to an appropriate surface or enclosure using the
mounting holes located on the board.
When selecting where and how to attach the board, choose a location protected from water and
dust, consider the additional height of cables and connectors, make sure to have space for SD Card
slot, and make sure to provide a sufficient gap of at least 6mm (0.236 inches) between the bottom
of the board and any adjacent materials or equipment:
conductive surfaces to touch any circuit elements on the top or bottom of the board.
A dimensioned drawing of the DL422 circuit board appears below.
Figure 2: DL422 Dimensional Drawing