APPH6000 User Manual V1.0 2010
- | Getting Started
Applying Power
1. Place the APPH6000 on the intended workbench and connect the appropriate DC power
supply to the receptacle on the rear of the unit. Make sure you use the included DC power
supply. The APPH6000 requires 6 V DC at 3 A maximum.
Using other supplies may lead to
malfunction and damage of the APPH6000.
2. Press the Line on/off switch on the rear panel. The front panel green LED will illuminate. The
instrument will initialize and boot within a few seconds and be ready for operation.
Connecting to LAN via DHCP Router
Connect the APPH6000 to your local area network (LAN) or using the provided Ethernet cable.
The instrument is configured to accept its dynamic IP number from the DHCP server of your
network. If configured properly, your network router will assign a dynamic IP number to the
instrument. Your instrument is now ready to be controlled.
Connecting via LAN without DHCP Router
If you want to connect the instrument directly to your computer you can use the Ethernet cable
directly between instrument and computer. To work properly, the network card (NIC) of your
computer shall be set to a fixed IP beginning with
Connection with a NIC that is configured to use DHCP is also possible, but depending on the
configuration the connection may take several minutes. After a short time, the instrument will
detect that no DHCP server is present and assign itself a default IP number.
Connecting though USBTMC
Connect the APPH6000 to the PC using the USB cable. The PC must be configured with a VISA
runtime environment (NI or Agilent, or comparable Linux VISA). If connected properly, the VISA
will detect the APPH6000 and you can use VISA Write to send the *IDN? query and use VISA
Read to get the response. The USBTMC protocol supports service request, triggers and other
GPIB specific operations.