Appendix B: Troubleshooting
NXB-KNX KNX Communications Gateway
Appendix B: Troubleshooting
AMX recommends activating debugging mode during diagnostics to display additional error messages. This is activated
with monitor command "DEBUGON".
The following table provides tips for error definition, in case it does not work. This serves a quick error analysis ON
Proposed solution / error definition
No controls possible, no feedback
Ensure NXB-KNX is detected in Netlinx Studio online tree.
No controls possible, no feedback,
according to "Status" the NXB-KNX
is detected
Enter command "List" in debug mode.
• Are all addresses entered?
• Are feedback values displayed?
Try to switch several addresses directly with "SET" (e.g. light). If it works, there is
probably an error in the AMX program.
If also no access is possible (Is the light still on?), the reason is probably wrong
group addresses.
NXB-KNX does not appear in the
NetLinx Studio OnLine Tree view
Confirm the NXB-KNX is powered on and connected to your network using an
approved PoE cable.
Use a zero-config client, like Internet Explorer's Bonjour or NetLinx Studio's Zero-
Config tab, to access the NXB-KNX Configuration Manager.
• Check the NXB-KNX IP Settings match your network configuration.
• Check the NXB-KNX Master Connection settings match your AMX Master
controller configuration.
Confirm the current NXB-KNX connection status by viewing the
NXB-KNX status banner.
• Obtain the NXB-KNX ip address using a zero-config client.
• Establish a telnet session with the NXB-KNX.
• Enable display of diagnostic messages by typing 'msg on all'.
• The NXB-KNX status banner will refresh every 15 minutes.
• Or, use the 'show log' command to display the message log.
NXB-KNX date/time is incorrect
Use the NXB-KNX Configuration Manager Clock Manager to configure the NXB-
KNX time/date settings.
• It is recommended that the NXB-KNX time/date settings match its AMX Master
controller time/date settings.
• e.g. The NXB-KNX and the AMX Master controller both use the same NIST
NXB-KNX appears in the NetLinx
Studio OnLine Tree view, but no
control or feedback is possible
Confirm the NXB-KNX device number shown in the NetLinx Studio OnLine Tree
view matches your NetLinx project's NXB-KNX device number definition.
Use the NXB-KNX Configuration Manager Device Configuration to change the
NXB-KNX device number.