MVP-5200i Modero® ViewPoint® Touch Panel with Intercom - Instruction Manual
The origin of the transition is the point on the LCD where the motion originates. In most cases, these locations are the top, bottom,
left and right of the screen. For example, a slide transition with a left origin will appear to slide in from the left towards the right of
the screen.
Slide, slide with bounce, door with fade and center door with fade can originate from the top, bottom, left and right sides of the
screen. Black glass can originate from the left or right. Fade does not need an origin since the entire screen fades together. Page
curl originates from the four corners of the screen: upper left, lower left, upper right and lower right.
The transition time is the amount of time required for the transition to operate from start to finish. This value can be specified from
0.3 seconds to 3.0 seconds in tenths of a second. If not specified, the default is 1.5 seconds.
Transition times are based on real world clock time and do not vary based on the speed of the processor or the frame rate at which
the display system is running.
Since the transitions require OpenGL hardware acceleration, they are not seen by the user on a VNC connection. When a transition
is triggered, the user will see a normal page flip to the new page on the VNC connection, while the animated transition occurs as
expected on the panel
Transition Classes (Cont.)
Page curl
The existing page appears to be peeled away like a sheet of paper, revealing the new page underneath. The new
page has a shadow effect, and a faint reversed impression of the old page can be seen through the back of the
paper being flipped. This transition can be interrupted by the user by holding a finger on the LCD and moving it
around. The corner of the paper will follow the user's finger until released, causing the transition to proceed to
completion. For the best effect, the button that triggers the page curl effect should be placed near the corner of
the screen from which the page curl will originate.
Door with fade
The new page moves over the existing page like a door with a hinge at the edge of the LCD. In addition, the new
page is semi-transparent, allowing the old page to be seen through until the transition is finished, at which point
the old page has faded away.
Center door with fade This transition operates as above, except that the hinge point is at the center of the LCD rather than the edge.
Transition Commands
Flips to a page with the specified page name using an animated transition. If the page is active, do not redraw the
current page. If the page name is blank, flips to the previous page.
Syntax: "'^AFP-<page name>,<animation>,<origin>,<time>'"
Animation is one of the following strings: slide, sldBounce, blkGlass, fade, pgCurl, doorFade, cntrDrFade
If animation is blank or invalid, the page flip will occur without any animated transition occurring.
Origin is a number representing one of the following values for where
the animated transition originates on the screen:
1 - center (currently unused)
2 - top
3 - bottom
4 - left
5 - right
6 - lower left
7 - lower right
8 - upper left
9 - upper right
If the origin is blank or invalid, the default is 5 (right).
Time is the transition time in tenths of a second which can vary from 3 (0.3 seconds) to 30 (3.0 seconds). Values
above or below these values will be clamped. If the time is blank, then the default is 1.5 seconds.
Will transition to a page named MAIN using a slide effect from the right to the left and taking 1 second to