Overwrite existing mpich installation (y or n)? [no] y
output of install
Created binary self-extracting image --> /tmp/AMSO_MPICH/image-mpich-
# ls
. Build image-mpich-1.2.5.bin Makefile scripts
.. Config Installed mpich_cset mpich-1.2.5
is a shell script and binary image for installation on
cluster nodes. Save this file to a safe location that can be used to distribute to the
cluster nodes.
# cp image-mpich-1.2.5.bin /tmp
6.2.4 Install DAPL and Build Binary for Cluster Deployment
1. Use the
command to unarchive the DAPL package on the build system. The
unzip/tar-extract for this example was done in
but that is not a requirement.
However placing the directory at the same location as the amso1100 build directory
allows the configuration to automatically find it.
# cd /tmp
# ls
. AMSO1100.tgz .ICE-unix YaST2-02308-zPffTu
.. AMSO_MPICH.tgz .qt 3Ddiag.Yp3238
gconfd-root sysconfig-update AMSO1100 hps.test
.X11-unix AMSO_DAPL.tgz
# tar zxf AMSO_DAPL.tgz
# ls
. AMSO1100.tgz hps.test .X11-unix
.. AMSO_MPICH .ICE-unix YaST2-02308-zPffTu
3Ddiag.Yp3238 AMSO_MPICH.tgz .qt
AMSO1100 gconfd-root sysconfig-update
# ls
. .. Makefile dapl-1.2 dapl_cset etc scripts
2. Build and install the AMSO_DAPL package. This step needs to be done as a user
with root privileges. If a previous install has been done the make install will prompt
whether it is okay to overwrite the potential installation at this location. The proper
response is to answer
# cd /tmp/AMSO_DAPL/
# make install
output of build, make takes approximately 5 minutes
# ls /usr/opt/ammasso/
. bin data lib64 mpich-1.2.5 scripts support
.. dapl-1.2 fw man release starcore_cset