By default, Ammasso’s MPICH searches only for a FORTRAN 77
compilation suite. Standard Linux distributions install GNU’s F77 to
. If the user has installed an optional FORTRAN 90
compilation suite and wishes Ammasso’s MPICH to use it as well, the user
should reply ‘y’ to this question.
When the FORTRAN 90 option is selected, the default for the MPICH
libraries produced is to move the F77 and F90 routines into separate libraries
noted by F77 or F90 in the name. Some applications may expect to link in
only one library with combined C and F77 routines. If this is the case, modify
line in the
file from:
F90ARGS="-with-flibname=f77mpich -with-
Enter path to FORTRAN 90 compiler
If the user said ‘y’ to Q5 then the user is prompted for the full pathname to the
installed FORTRAN 90 compilation suite. The install procedure will check
whether the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH points to the lib
directory of the FORTRAN 90 compiler. If it does not, the install will fail.
Build 32-bit mpich (y or n)? [no]
This question will only appear when Ammasso’s MPICH implementation is
built on a 64-bit machine. By default, Ammasso builds only one version of
MPICH on any machine. If the user wishes to have a 32-bit and 64-bit
version of Ammasso MPICH compiled and installed, please answer
A case when the 32-bit MPICH option would be chosen would be to support a
legacy 32-bit application for which no sources are available to recompile.
Another case would be in a cluster environment which has both 32-bit and 64-
bit systems.
At this point Ammasso MPICH is configured and will begin the compilation and installation
process. The files are installed into the
directory. If you are on a 64-bit machine and have taken the option to build the 32-bit
version of Ammasso MPICH, there will also be
4.2.1 Makefile Targets
supports the following targets: