6.2.2 Install AMSO1100 and Build Binary for Cluster Deployment
1. Untar the AMSO1100 package on the build system. The unzip/tar-extract for this
example was done in the
directory but that is not a requirement.
# cd /tmp
# ls
. AMSO1100.tgz .ICE-unix .X11-unix
.. gconfd-root .qt YaST2-02308-zPffTu
3Ddiag.Yp3238 hps.test sysconfig-update
# tar zxf AMSO1100.tgz
# ls
. AMSO1100 hps.test sysconfig-update
.. AMSO1100.tgz .ICE-unix .X11-unix
3Ddiag.Yp3238 gconfd-root .qt YaST2-02308-zPffTu
2. Build and install the AMSO1100 driver. This step needs to be done as a user with root
privileges. If a previous install has been done the make install will prompt whether it is
okay to overwrite the potential installation at this location. The proper response is to
answer ‘y’ unless you want to abort the install. Even though previous files may be
deleted the data directory which contains configuration information will stay intact.
# cd /tmp/AMSO1100/
# make install
output of build, make takes approximately 5 minutes
Where would you like your software installed? (/usr/opt/ammasso)
Installing to /usr/opt/ammasso
The AMSO1100 software is already installed at /usr/opt/ammasso.
You may remove the software without destroying any of the node
configuration data (such as RDMA/CCIL IP addresses).
Is it ok to remove any previously installed files? (y or n) [y]
Re-installing to /usr/opt/ammasso
Saving stored data in /usr/opt/ammasso/data/app64-01
The Amso1100 software installed in /usr/opt/ammasso has been removed.
* The installer has detected /usr/opt/ammasso/data/app64-01/rnic_cfg.
* Please answer 'no' below to keep this configuration.
Configure interfaces of the Ammasso 1100 adapter? (y or n) [y]
Configure the RDMA network interface IP address settings? (y or n) [y]
Please enter the RDMA IP address (
Please enter the RDMA network mask (
Please enter the RDMA network gateway ():
Please enter the RDMA network MTU (1500):
Configure the legacy network interface IP address settings? (y or n) [y]
Please enter the legacy IP address (
Please enter the legacy network mask (
Please enter the legacy network Gateway ():
Please enter the legacy network MTU (1500):
Reboot the system to activate the AMSO1100 board and its software
# ls /usr/lib/libccil*
/usr/lib/libccil.a /usr/lib/libccil.so
# ls -l /usr/lib64/libccil*
/usr/lib64/libccil.a /usr/lib64/libccil.so
# find /etc -name "*amso1100" -print