All gas connections will require using the supplied ferrule set, ¼" stainless steel
compression fittings and customer-supplied ¼" stainless steel tubing
Sample Gas Inlet Pressure to the Analyzer should be regulated down to the range of 1.0
to 20.0 psig (0.07–1.4 bar), depending on line pressure
comes internally equipped with a complete Sample
System, including a Liquid Separator that effectively removes liquids and particulates
However, it is highly recommended that you install a regulated Insertion Gas Probe with
Filter Feature into the pipeline at the Sample Point. An Insertion Probe dramatically
reduces pipeline liquids, condensation and particulates from reaching both the Sample
Gas Line and Moisture Analyzer
We recommend the Genie
755 Direct Drive Probe™(offered by A+
Corporation) or equivalent product
Key Points:
Part III: Gas Connections