2016 All Material Handling
Note: Check local and governmental requirements and specifications to insure
compliance in addition to those listed below. If any conflict, utilize the most
stringent requirement.
Inspections required per ASME B30.21 and OSHA
INSPECTION RECORDS (when required)
Inspections are the responsibility of a qualified person designated by the owner. Dated inspection
reports shall be maintained for the service life of the product. They are to be filed by the serial number,
stamped into the name plate, and made available for inspection at any time.
All inspections shall be by a designated person who is competent and qualified to perform the type
inspection being utilized
If any fault is discovered, during any inspection, then the unit shall be taken out of service and
quarantined. A qualified person shall then make determination of repair or disposition.
PREOPERATION INSPECTION of new unit or a unit that has not been in use for more than 1 month is
required prior to use and must be recorded. The inspection shall consist of:
New Hoists are to be inspected before use and must be recorded. No load test is required if tested
and certified when manufactured. The new hoist test certification supplied with the hoist should be
filed with the initial Preoperation Inspection. The date of this Preoperation Inspection, not the date on
the manufactures load test, will become the start date for entering a new unit into service and
determining timing of future periodic inspections. Units returned to service after inactivity of more
than one month, does not affect the date of the next periodic test as previously scheduled.
See sample PREOPERATION INSPECTION form in back of this manual
Inspect the following:
Proper operation and any unusual sounds.
Visually inspect hooks for deformation or bending and to verify latches function.
Visually inspect load chain for twist, damage or excessive wear between links.
Visually inspect the hoist body and lever for damage.
Fasteners are in place and tight.
Tail chain stop is in place.
Nameplate with warnings and operation instruction label are in place and legible.
FREQUENT INSPECTION is required before each use but not required to be recorded. It is to be
performed by the operator or other designated persons and shall consist of:
Inspect for a), through g) items listed in Preoperation Inspection plus the following:
Visual inspection to determine that the unit is not compromised by corrosion or debris and
can operate as intended.
Make a trial lift or pull of a few inches and then stop to determine the hoist operates as
Continual observation during use for any damage or change in operation.