dIAGrAM 1.
PowEr CIrCuIt dIAGrAMs - ELECtronIC ControL ModELs
The water heater’s electrical components are pictured and identified on page 7. The following describes the heater circuits and includes wiring
diagrams. All heater circuits are designed for 60/50 hertz alternating current. The water heater circuit wiring is 12 AWG, AWM, or TEW type,
rated 600 volts, 105°C. Fusing consists of three 30 amp fuses for each contactor. Fusing is an optional feature for Canadian models.
thrEE ELEMEnts - sInGLE And thrEE PhAsE
sIX ELEMEnts - sInGLE And thrEE PhAsE