16-Bit Expansion Slot Pinout 29
8-Bit Expansion Slot Pinout 28
80486 Operating Temperature Ranges 71
AMIBIOS Setup Keys 42
BBS Phone Numbers vii
BIOS Beep Codes 34
BIOS error reporting 33
BIOS System Configuration Screen 38
Diagnosing Beep Codes 34
EISA Error Messages 37
EISA Pinout 30
Error Messages 35
Expansion Slots 26
Hard Disk Parameters 46
Hard Disk Types 47
Hard Disk Utility Messages 69
Hard Disk Utility Purpose 63
Installation steps 11
Installing the motherboard 17
Interrupt Levels 6
Keyboard Connector Pinout 22
Keyboard Lock Pinout 26
Memory Configurations 15
Mouse Connector Pinout 23
NMI Messages 37
POST Memory Test 38
Power Connector Pinouts 21
Processor Types and Speeds 2
Selecting the cache size 13
Setting the CPU Type 12
Setting the motherboard frequency 12
SIMM Part Numbers 14
Speaker Connector Pinout 25
Unpacking the motherboard 9
Testing System 31, 32
Testing the Motherboard 31
Startup problems 34
Turbo Switch Function 54
Typematic Rate and Delay 51
Unpacking the Motherboard 9
VGA adapters 11
Video ROM Shadow C000,16K 55
Video ROM Shadow C400,16K 55