Baby Screamer LC Motherboard User's Guide
3 9
3 9
Section 3
Section 3
Advanced CMOS Setup
Advanced CMOS Setup
The following options appear in Advanced CMOS Setup:
Typematic Rate Programming,
Typematic Rate Delay,
Typematic Rate (Chars/Sec),
System Boot Up Num Lock,
Numeric Processor,
Weitek Processor,
Floppy Drive Seek at Boot,
System Boot Up Sequence,
System Boot Up CPU Speed
Cache Memory,
Fast Gate A20 Option,
Password Checking Option,
Video ROM Shadow C000,16K, and
Video ROM Shadow C400,16K.
H e l p S c r e e n s
H e l p S c r e e n s
Advanced CMOS Setup has a series of help screens, accessed by pressing <F1>, which display the settings for the selected
Advanced CMOS Setup option and provide a brief description of the option.
W a r n i n g M e s s a g e
W a r n i n g M e s s a g e
A warning message is displayed when Advanced CMOS Setup is selected. Press any key to continue.