16-/18-Bit, Dual 666ksps, SAR ADC
Demonstration circuit 2581A shows the proper way to drive
ADC. The LTC2341 is a low noise, high speed,
simultaneous sampling 16-/18-bit successive approximation
register (SAR) ADC. The LTC2341 has a flexible SoftSpan
interface that allows conversion-by-conversion control of
the input voltage span on a per-channel basis. An internal
2.048V reference and 2
buffer simplify basic operation
while an external reference can be used to increase the input
range and the SNR of the ADC.
The DC2581A demonstrates the DC and AC performance of
the LTC2341 in conjunction with the DC590/DC2026 and
DC890 data collection boards. Use the DC590/DC2026 to
, LT, LTC, LTM, Linear Technology and the Linear logo are registered trademarks and PScope,
QuikEval and SoftSpan are trademarks of Linear Technology Corporation. All other trademarks
are the property of their respective owners.
demonstrate DC performance such as peak-to-peak noise
and DC linearity. Use the DC890 if precise sampling rates
are required or to demonstrate AC performance such as
SNR, THD, SINAD and SFDR. The DC2581A is intended to
demonstrate recommended grounding, component place-
ment and selection, routing and bypassing for this ADC. A
suggested driver circuit for the analog inputs is also presented.
Design files for this circuit board including the schematic,
layout and BOM are available at
Figure 1. DC2581A Connection Diagram