Model 152 Smart Card Reader/Writer Operation Instructions
8182760 Revision G Copyright Axiohm 1998 All Rights Reserved
Page 1.5
Table 16 - TLP-224 Card Commands
*ICC Power ON
Power on Microprocessor Card, return ATR.
*ICC Power OFF
Power off card, Microprocessor or Memory
*Output to Microprocessor
Card T=0
Sends TPDU (with or without data) to a
Microprocessor Card.
*Input from Microprocessor
Card T=0
sends TPDU (soliciting data) to a Microprocessor
Card and waits for the reply.6
I/O to Microprocessor Card
Sends a TPDU to the reader to perform an
operation on a Microprocessor card.
I/O to Memory Card
Sends a TPDU to the reader to perform an
operation on a Memory Card.
* marks the “core” commands
ICC Power ON. This command is used to power up an Microprocessor Card in the currently
selected Connector. It will follow the ISO power up sequence and return the ATR as the
response. Memory Cards do not have an explicit power up command, rather the first I/O
operation directed to the card causes a power up, which is performed according to the
specifications for the current Memory Card type.
The command format is:
6E is the command byte
xx is a wait time in seconds. If no card is in the reader when this command is received,
the reader will wait xx seconds looking for a card. If the card is inserted within xx
seconds, it will be powered and its response returned to the host. Special case:
when xx = 0, the wait time is 256 seconds. If no card is inserted in the given time,
the Operation Status Byte will be FB, No Card Present.
The response format is:
OSB is the Operation Status Byte
xx is the number of bytes in the ATR , if no ATR was received, xx will be zero.
ATR is the Answer to reset from the card.
ICC Power OFF. This command is used to power down the card in the currently selected
Connector. It will work for any type of card. This command is useful for polling the reader to see
if a card is in the connector. If no card is in the connector the No Card Present OSB (FBH) is
returned. If a card is present, the Command Executed Without Problems OSB (00H) is returned.