Model 152 Smart Card Reader/Writer Operation Instructions
8182760 Revision G Copyright Axiohm 1998 All Rights Reserved
Page 1.2
Configuration / Demo Software
The Model 152 ships from the factory with certain default conditions. These defaults can be
changed by running the configuration program (available from American Magnetics
Division of
) which may be used to change certain operational conditions.
Using the demo/configuration program is easy, simply launch it from a Microsoft Windows®
environment and follow the instructions. You will need to know to which serial communication
port the reader is attached (e.g COM1). The configuration program will lead you through a
series of steps to complete your configuration successfully. Once configured, the reader retains
the new configuration in its permanent memory.
The configuration program also contains a demonstration mode. From the main screen simply
click on a command to execute and click on the execute button.
To configure the reader click on the configure button. When you have finished selecting the
configuration options, simply click the done tab and click on the OK - write to the EEPROM
button to update the EEPROM and return to the main screen.
The demo allows you to explore all the functions of the Model 152.
Technical Support
For technical support, call Axiohm - American Magnetics Division at one of the phone numbers
found on the back cover of this manual.