Model 152 Smart Card Reader/Writer Operation Instructions
8182760 Revision G Copyright Axiohm 1998 All Rights Reserved
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Alternating Current
Acknowledge. Used in a communications protocol to Acknowledge
correct receipt of a message.
Axiohm - American Magnetics Division
Answer To Reset
The response an ICC Card returns when the proper power sequence
is applied. Defined in ISO 7816-3 for Microprocessor Cards.
Definition for Synchronous Cards is not as well defined.
A character set used by many computers
Asynchronous Cards
Also known as Microprocessor Cards. ICC Cards which have a
microprocessor and function according to ISO 7816-3 specifications
for Microprocessor Cards. Asynchronous refers to the fact that they
communicate using an asynchronous communications technique.
Answer To Reset
The process of assuring that one, or both, parties to a transaction
are who they say they are.
Block Check Character. Used in many communications protocols to
detect errors in transmission.
Bits Per Second, abbreviated in either upper case or lower case.
Refers to the number of bits which can be sent on a
communications path in one second.
Card Seated
Refers to a card which is actually inserted fully into a card
Connector such that the switch at the back of the reader slot
changes state because of the contact with the card.
Card Connector
Any connector designed to receive an ICC. The Model 152 supports
a User Connector, which is visible to the general public, and a Local
SAM Connector, which is contained within the unit. Additionally, a
SAM Box may be connected to the Model 152 which adds 7 more
card Connectors for additional SAMs.
Some of the security schemes used with Smart Cards require a
random number to be associated with key manipulations. The
random number, which of course changes with every