IP address.
Alternate DNS Server
: This field allows the user to enter the alternate DNS server IP address.
Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU):
A maximum transmission unit (
) is the largest packet or frame size,
specified in octets (eight-bit bytes) that can be sent in a packet- or frame-based network such as the internet. The
internet's transmission control protocol (TCP) uses the MTU to determine the maximum size of each packet in any
The value ranges from 1280-7200 bytes. The default setup is 1500 bytes. Please note MTU
modification may result in network adapter reboot and network becomes off. MTU modification can affect current
network service. System may pop up dialog box for you to confirm setup when you want to change MTU setup.
Click OK button to confirm current reboot, or you can click Cancel button to terminate current modification. Before
the modification, you can check the MTU of the gateway; the MTU of the NVR shall be the same as or is lower than
the MTU of the gateway. In this way, you can reduce packets and enhance network transmission efficiency.
The following MTU value is for reference only. Please note,
PPPoE is not supported.
1500: Ethernet information packet max value and it is also the default value. It is the typical setup when
there is no PPPoE or VPN. It is the default setup of some router, switch, or the network adapter.
1492: Recommend value for PPPoE
1468: Recommend value for DHCP.
Preferred DNS server: DNS server IP address.
Alternate DNS server: DNS server alternate address.
Transfer mode: Here you can select the priority between fluency/video qualities.
LAN download: System can process the downloaded data first if you enable this function. The download
speed is 1.5X or 2.0X of the normal speed.
LAN download: System can process the downloaded data first if you enable this function. The download
speed is 1.5X or 2.0X of the normal speed.
Enable ARP/Ping to set IP Address Service
: This checkbox allows the user to enable the ARP/Ping service to change
the IP address service. For more information on this feature, click the help button while on the TCP/IP settings tab.
To reset to default settings, click the
Reset Defaults
button. To refresh the page, click the
button. To save
the settings, click the
The P2P settings screen is where users can use a QR code to connect their smartphone or tablet to the camera.
This feature needs to be enabled for use with the Amcrest View app, Amcrest Cloud, or AmcrestView.com.
Below is an explanation of the fields on the P2P settings tab:
: This checkbox allows the user to enable the P2P feature for the camera. This feature must be enabled for
the camera to connect to a smartphone or tablet via the Amcrest View app. It is enabled by default.
: This field displays the status of the P2P connection. Once the camera is connected to a device, this field
should display the word Online.
: This field displays the Token ID for the camera. The Token ID can be used to manually enter the camera’s
information on a mobile or tablet device in case the QR code scanning feature cannot be used.
QR Code
: This image is a Quick Response (QR) code. By scanning this image using the Amcrest View app, this
camera can establish a connection with the app.
To reset to default settings, click the
Reset Defaults
button. To refresh the page, click the
button. To save
the settings, click the