IVS Overlay
This button allows the user to enable or disable IVS overlays on the live view
Stream Fluency
This button allows the user to change the stream fluency. There are 3 options.
Realtime reduces delay and decreases fluency, and Fluency has a larger delay,
but the video stream becomes more fluid.
Pan Tilt Zoom
This button allows the user to show or hide the pan tilt zoom control panel on
the live view screen.
Section 6
: This section of the Live tab shows the picture that the camera is broadcasting. The bitrate is shown in
the top left corner, the native resolution is shown in the top right corner, the time stamp is shown below the
native resolution, and the camera type is shown in the bottom left corner.
Section 7
: This section of the Live tab shows the PTZ functionality of the camera, zoom, focus, as well as other PTZ
functions such as tour presets, etc.
PTZ Control
The PTZ tab allows the user to pan, tilt, zoom and focus the camera. Below is a screenshot of the PTZ Control
The PTZ control panel allows the user to position the camera in different ways
The arrows on the PTZ control panel allow the user to move the camera’s position in a s
pecific direction. The
button in the middle of the direction arrow allows the user to select an area in the live view to zoom in on. The
speed dropdown box allows the user to control the speed at which the camera moves. The values range from 1 to
8, 8 being the fastest.