AL1024NK8QP Series Installation Guide
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Battery Size Calculation Worksheet:
A. AL1024NK8(D)QP internal current consumption
________________ 0.05 A
B. Load current consumption
________________ A
C. Stand-by time required (hours)
________________ H
D. Battery capacity required for stand-by
________________ AH
E. AL1024NK8(D)QP internal power consumption
________________ 0.05 A
F. Load current consumption
________________ A
G. Alarm duration (Hours; 15 Min. = 0.25 Hour)
________________ H
H. Battery capacity required for Alarm
________________ AH
I. Total calculated battery capacity
________________ AH
J. Battery capacity required
I*1.8 (safety factor) ________________ AH
AL1024NK8(D)QP power supply is designed to work with batteries up to 65AH.
Please note: line [I] must not exceeds 36AH.
You have to reduce either stand-by current consumption or stand-by time in order to comply with requirement.
To determine actual battery size please round line [J] to the nearest larger standard battery size
(e.g. 3.5 AH = 4.0 AH).