CD200D II 4-17 All rights reserved © ALTRONIC, LLC 2017
10.6 Insertion Retard:
Indicates the amount of electronic insertion retard at this time.
10.7 Switch Retard:
Indicates the amount of timing retard being added by the current timing switch
position at this time.
10.8 Loop Retard:
Indicates the actual amount of timing retard added from the current loop
versus retard lookup table curve at this time.
10.9 RPM Retard:
Indicates the actual amount of timing retard being added by the RPM versus
retard lookup table curve at this time.
10.10 TOTAL Retard:
Indicates the total global timing retard at this time. This number is the sum of
the Insertion Retard, Switch Retard, Loop Retard and RPM Retard.
10.11 Counter:
Indicates the number of disc rotations (engine cycles) registered since the
engine was last started.
10.12 Purge Counter:
During a startup, indicates the number of purge cycles remaining before the
outputs are activated.
10.13 Supply Voltage:
Indicates the measured DC voltage supply level to the CD200D.
10.14 Spark Ref. (A, B, C, etc.):
Indicates the current spark reference number for each cylinder.
10.15 Syncing:
When red, indicates that engine rotation has been sensed and the synchroni-
zation process is taking place.
10.16 Insync1:
When red, indicates that the index input has been recognized once.
10.17 Insync2:
When red, indicates that the index has been recognized a second time and the
ignition is ready to proceed.
10.18 Purging:
When red, indicates that synchronization has been completed and the purge
cycle countdown is taking place.
10.19 Trying:
When red, indicates that the CD200D is trying to fire outputs, but a proper
primary discharge event has not yet occurred.
10.20 Firing:
When red, indicates that CD200D is successfully firing primary outputs.
10.21 LOCKOUT:
When red, indicates that firings are locked out until engine rotation has ceased
for a minimum of 5 seconds.
10.22 Cranking:
When red, indicates engine rotation below the Run Speed setting.
10.23 Running:
When red, indicates engine rotation above the Run Speed setting.
NOTE: Please see page 29 (Addendum)
for further details of CD200D Unit -