PRIma Gate
There are 3 different credits. You can set each of them.
Credit to restore
Set amount of credit (tariff) in minutes, which
is restoring. If this credit is spent GSM module
is blocked for outgouing calls. Max value of
credit is 44640 min (one month). Credit
without limit is signified "0". You can see it in
pane of Diagnostics (GSM Modules Credit).
Maximal remaining credit
Set amount of remaining minutes, which
you have not spend yet, these will be rolled
over to the next month and added to your
First count (in seconds)
First count (in seconds)
Next count (in seconds)
Length of the next period (1 to 250
Parameters First count and Next count are
used for account of the real length of the
call from the view of GSM operator.
Example 1: If the call is charged per
second - set both parameters to 1.
Example 2: If you are charged immediately
after answering a call for the whole first
minute and then second by second - set
first count to 60 and next count to 1.
Proper setting of these parameters helps
you to keep real record of the minutes
spent and charged for each SIM.
Block outgoing call when credit is spent.
Outgoing call is default blocked when
credit is spent except you have the second
SIM card in this module.
SIM card 2
If there are two SIM cards in module you can set parameters of the second SIM card in this
window. After blocking the first SIM card the second will be working.
Apply to All Modules
In this part you can copy setting of current
module to another selected modules