PRIma Gate
You can set number of SIM cards, or number of SIM cards with poor signal as well as define
the value of poor signal when the line will be blocked.
Number of SIM cards not logged (0-32)
Default - 0 - this function is not use.
Number of SIM cards with poor signal (0-32)
Default - 0 - this function is not use.
Parameter for poor signal definition (-113 dBm - -51dBm)
You can set the level of poor signal (only odd-numbered).
ISDN cause if GSM modules/groups are busy
You can set cause (1-127) if the GSM modules/groups are busy. Default value is cause 3 (No
route to destination).
In this section you can set options for each line (PBXE1-A, PSTNE1-B, E1-C, E1-D).