PRIma Gate
Time to save smart callback
Time (0-48 hours) for saving
callback information in Gateway
smart callback table.
‘0’ means that smart callback
function is disabled.
Channel assotiation 1:1 with
GSM modules
Each channel from PBX has fix
channel of GSM module.
For example: 1.voice channel is
connected to 1. GSM module and
vice versa, GSM modules 31, 32 are
Call progress tone
User of PBX will hear progress tone
or will not it.
GSM CLIP modifications
Substitute '+' for GSM CLIP in international format (+420 -> 00420)
Supply '+' in inernational format or not.
Cut prefixes '+', '0' and '00' in GSM CLIP (00420 -> 420)
Default - this function is not use.
Country prefix for change GSM CLIP from international to national format
You can set the national format.
For example: You type 420
If you tick off "Cut prefixes...." 004209x -> 9x
If you do not tick off "Cut prefixes...." 004209 -> 09x
Timeout if extension does not answer
Time in seconds. Default is 30 seconds.
Delay before Alerting
Time in seconds or R. Default is 0 seconds.
R means that gateway generates its own ring back tone in case that Call progress tone is OFF.
If Call progress tone is ON R is no use.
Send CONNECT together with ALERTING
If you tick off this item the message ALERTING and CONNECT will be sending together.
Only for call from PBX to GSM network.
Condition for blocked PBX line