We reserve the right to make technical changes | 83055600dUK – Translation of the original instruction manual (HMD 2) | ait-deutschland GmbH
If there is a type of use which is not required for your sys-
tem, it is not necessary for the associated program areas to
be represented in the screen.
An example: Your system is only designed for heating
mode. No components are installed for the domestic hot
water preparation. That means you do not require access
to the menus of the program area “Domestic hot water”.
It is therefore not necessary for these menus to be shown
in the screen. In the menu “Heatpump configuration” you
can specify that these menus do not appear in the screen
and therefore remain hidden.
However, hiding a menu does not affect the function or
operation of a type of use. If the type of use is switched off,
this must be set in the menu “Mode of operation”.
Deselect program area not required.
The example shown reveals that the menus of the pro-
gram area “Heating” are displayed in the screen. The
menus of the program area “Domestic hot water” are not
page 7, “Startup guide“
page 9, “Reset startup parameters“
Part 1 of the controller manual, program area “Service“, sec-
tion “Data logger“.
Adjusting the contrast of the
control unit display
Part 1 of the controller manual, program area “Service“, sec-
tion “Basic Information on the operation“.
Web server
Part 1 of the controller manual, program area “Service“, sec-
tion„Control Panel / Web server“.
Remote maintenance
Part 1 of the controller manual, program area “Service“, sec-
tion “Control Panel / Remote maintenance“.
Device assignment
If 2 heat pumps are connected, the assignment of the heat
pumps, which was carried out during commissioning with the
startup guide, can be repeated or changed if necessary.
page 7, “Startup guide“