MechFiber400 Operator’s Manual
Revision G02 28
Sept 2020
7.3 Diet feeder capacity
Due to the diversity of the materials available for feeding, as well as to the KEENAN
’s ability to incorporate a wide range of feed types into the ration, the capacity of the
machine will vary. Ensure that overloading is avoided at all times, as mix quality could be
seriously affected as a result and the machine could potentially be damaged.
Overloading must be avoided because:
• The mix will not be homogenous (evenly mixed), preventing the machine from providing the
maximum benefits.
• Mechanical failure will result. Due to the nature of the loading, this may occur at load levels
below those that would break the shear bolt.
The overall amount of material that can be chopped/mixed in one load depends on the
• Machine size.
• Overall dry matter of the TMR.
• The chop length and quality of the material added.
• The loading procedure and loading order of the materials used (e.g., the addition of straw first
or last), which has a major effect on machine capacity.
• Tractor H.P. rating.
The machine can be overloaded before the shear bolt breaks. Therefore, not
breaking a shear bolt is not necessarily an indication that the machine is not being
Figure 6: Photograph illustrates a well-mixed
ration, showing consistent fibre length and the
integration of forages and grains.