page 2.18
Allstar PZL Glider Sp. z o.o.
Doc No. 542.4.02
Issue II
April 2014
2.11. Canopy
Method of canopy mounting is presented in Fig. 2
Hinges (7) are placed on RH cockpit board. They are attached rotationally to
fittings (10) laminated to fuselage shell.
Canopy jettison device is situated on the RH side of the canopy frame. It
consists of levers (1) (situated by front and rear seat) connected by pushrod (3),
which enables both pilots to use this device independently. Pushrod (3) is connected
to pull rod (5) terminated by pin (11) connecting bracket (6) and lever (12) with
telescopic slide (13), holding canopy in open position. Described canopy jettison
connections provides simultaneous canopy disconnection from hinges (7) (by
unlocking hooks (9) joined with levers (1)) and pull rod (5) when lever (1) is pushed
forward by pilot from either front or rear seat.
In order to prevent inadvertent, too easy canopy jettison device actuation, the
lever (1) is connected to canopy frame by brass lock wire, diameter 0,5 mm.
Canopy closing mechanism is mounted on LH side of canopy frame. It
consists of two levers (2) connected with pushrod (4) and sockets (8) mounted to
fuselage frame. Lever (2) forward movement results opening of the canopy. Closing
in opposite direction.
Canopy dismounting:
Canopy dismounting from fuselage is to be done by moving forward canopy
jettison lever (1) which cause unlock the hook (9) and disconnect canopy from
canopy hinges (7), as well as pin (11) from bracket (6) and consequently from lever
(12) with slide (13) set.
Mounting to be accomplished in reverse sequence.
Legend to Fig. 2
1 - Canopy jettison lever
2 - Canopy open/close lever
3 - Canopy jettison pushrod
4 - Canopy open/close pushrod
5 - Canopy jettison pull rod
6 - Lever bracket
7 - Canopy hinge
8 - Sockets
9 - Lock hook
10 - Canopy hinge fitting
11 - Pin
12 - Lever
13 - Telescopic slide