page 16.4
Allstar PZL Glider Sp. z o.o.
Doc No. 542.4.02
Issue II
April 2014
16.9. Inspection of main units subjected to fatigue loads
The listed below parts and units, essential to fatigue resistance, within periodic
maintenance should be subjected to special inspection:
1 - spar root pin (1), Fig. 2
2 - rear fitting (14), socket nut (23)
and locking pin (18), Fig. 2
3 - fuselage rear pin (16), Fig. 2
4 - main bolt (10), Fig. 2
5 - stabilizer pins (4), Fig. 2
6 - stabilizer fastening vertical bolt (1), Fig. 2
7 - wing spars (27) at the root rib (24), Fig. 2
8 - spar root (27) end in a place of spar fitting (22) installation, Fig. 2
9 - place of installation
- front pins (3), Fig. 2
- rear fitting (14) sockets, Fig. 2
‒1. (rib inner and outer side – area of socket
nut (23)),
- sleeve (2) in root rib (24), Fig. 2
- ball socket (9) in main frame, Fig. 2
- main bolt (10) sleeve in spars (27), Fig. 2
- long wingtip spar pins (1), Fig. 2
- pins (4) and sleeves (5), Fig. 2
- nest sockets (2), Fig. 2
10 - root rib (24) bonded joint to wing skin (25),
especially in the area of rear fitting (14) socket, Fig. 2
11 - stabilizer pins (4) installation area, Fig. 2
12 - fuselage fitting (3) installation area in rear web (13), Fig. 2
metal parts
surface peeling, cracks, shape deviations,
composite parts
white spots, delamination, debonding.