Serial and Telnet command line interface
Serial and Telnet command line interface
You can configure and manage the gateway through a Command Line Interface (CLI), which
provides access to every configurable aspect of the product. There are two ways to connect
to the gateway and access the CLI:
Through the DB9 interface (serial CLI)
The serial CLI shares the DB9 interface with the serial passthrough feature. If serial
passthrough is running, pressing and releasing the configuration button disables serial
passthrough and brings up the serial CLI. The default serial settings are 38400 N-8-1.
Over Ethernet (Telnet CLI)
The Telnet CLI allows access from any computer connected directly or indirectly to the
802.3 port on the gateway. The Telnet CLI allows only one connection at a time.
The two access mechanisms provide access to the same set of CLI commands. For more
information on the CLI, see the
Advanced Operations Guide
SYSLOG is the standard protocol described in RFC 3164 for logging system events. It was
initially used by Unix systems and is now commonly used by switches, routers and other
embedded devices. Using SYSLOG, you can send a log of system events to a SYSLOG
server, centralizing important management information.
Two important aspects of system events are severity and message. The gateway provides
functionality for filtering out events based on severity and for specifying multiple SYSLOG
servers to receive event logs.
A limited amount of SYSLOG information is stored in the gateway using on-board logging,
which provides the same filtering functionality and allows you to view events through
the CLI.