DHCP server
Provides a level of security by hiding internal IP addresses and blocking connections
from outside devices.
Enables the use of any set of IP addresses for the inside network. Because the
addresses are only used internally, there is no possibility of a conflict with outside
IP addresses.
The gateway allows up to 1024 simultaneous connections with outside computers.
DHCP server
The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) provides a means for IEEE 802.3 client
devices to receive IP addresses for the network. A DHCP client computer (or other type of
network device) begins by asking a DHCP server for an IP address. The server provides an
address, creates a lease period for that client, and keeps track of the address assigned to
that client. The client then uses that IP address and periodically renews the lease if it
exceeds the lease period.
You can specify the following major DHCP server features:
A range of IP addresses to be assigned to clients (known as the address pool).
The domain name.
The primary and secondary DNS servers (or you can defer to values retrieved over the
cellular connection).
The lease period.
The gateway DHCP server allows up to 1024 DHCP clients.
DHCP Client
The device can also act as a DHCP client to be configured by an existing DHCP server.