8 Ultra1500 Digital Drives Quick Start
Publication 2092-QS001D-EN-P — July 2005
Warning and Error Displays
Warnings or errors are displayed by the drive as shown and explained in the following tables.
Warnings are drive abnormalities that allow motor control to continue. The Warning display
uses only the last three digits of the six-digit display.
Errors are serious abnormalities that do not allow motor control. The Error display alternates
between a three-digit error code and a six-digit text message.
Warning Display
Possible Cause
Absolute Encoder Battery
3.2V or less output from encoder battery
or external power supply.
Replace battery or verify external power
Power Up Overspeed
Control power is applied to the drive
while the motor is in motion.
After verifying motor has stopped, recycle
control power.
Over Current Command
Improper setting of analog current scale
Verify scaling parameter corresponds to
analog signal range.
System cannot meet motion profile
Verify velocity loop tuning.
Verify system sizing.
Incorrect current limit settings
Verify current limits do not restrict current to
less than system capabilities.
Over Speed Command
Improper setting of analog velocity scale
Verify scaling parameter corresponds to
analog signal range.
System cannot meet motion profile
Verify position loop tuning.
Verify system sizing.
Digital I/O Assignment
Inappropriate assignment of digital
inputs or outputs
If operated in preset mode, verify presets
are assigned.
If operated in a normal/override mode,
verify the override function is assigned.
1 Battery replacement causes loss of absolute position. Homing may be necessary.
Possible Cause
Motor Overtemperature
Motor thermal switch trips due to:
High motor ambient temperature,
Excessive current
Operate within (not above) the continuous
torque rating for the ambient temperature.
Lower ambient temperature, or increase
motor cooling.
Motor wiring error
Check motor wiring.
Incorrect motor selection
Verify the proper motor has been selected.