Data Transfer File Instructions
Chapter 12
Data monitor displays, although unique for each File instruction, have
common characteristics including a header section, a file section and a
command buffer.
The header is located at the top of the screen and contains information
pertinent to its corresponding File instruction, such as: counter address, file
addresses, current position value and length value. This information is
extracted from the instruction block by the industrial terminal.
Some data monitor headers contain word data which can be entered or
changed in the same manner as file data. The entry or change of data is
described in Sections 12.5.3 and 12.5.5.
File Section
The file section is located in the center of the screen and displays the data
stored in the file. The locations within the file are numbered sequentially
from the starting word address. For example, position 001 corresponds to
word 1, the starting address of a file. When file data is displayed in binary
representation, data bits are assumed to be numbered from right to left
00-17 respectively.
Each column in the display represents one file. In Figure 12.20, two files
are shown. Each column can display from 10 to 15 words of data on the
screen. Files with more words can be displayed by scrolling and/or paging
the display. Procedures for scrolling and paging the display will be
discussed in Section 12.5.4.
The file section contains a field cursor which can be positioned on any
word in the file. The word file pointed to by the field cursor is intensified.
Command Buffer
The command buffer is located at the bottom center of the screen and is
used to enter or change file data. If the header contains word data, this
information can also be changed using the command buffer.
The current word in the command buffer is the word that is pointed to and
intensified by the field cursor. The word data is duplicated in the command
buffer. A digit cursor is active with the command buffer and is used to
enter or change data.
Data Monitor Display
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