Peripheral Functions
Chapter 8
The industrial terminal screen can display up to 11 lines of data at one
time. In the continuous mode, the screen will automatically display a new
page of data when the screen is full.
In the paged mode, 11 lines will fill the screen and stop. Subsequent
changes are stored in the buffer until [DISPLAY] is pressed. The data
stored in the buffer will then be displayed, one page at a time.
To terminate the contact histogram, press [CANCEL COMMAND].
The 1770-SA digital cassette recorder is a peripheral device that connects
to channel C of the industrial terminal. It is used to dump memory onto
tape, to load memory from tape and to verify memory.
The cassette dump command is used to dump (RECORD) the contents of
the data table, user program and messages onto a cassette tape. Although
accessible in any mode, it is recommended that the dump be performed
only in the program mode because data table values are constantly
changing in other modes.
To dump the complete memory onto the cassette tape, position the cursor
on the first rung. The cassette dump command is then activated by pressing
[RECORD]0 on the PLC-2 Family overlay, and by pressing [RECORD
ON TAPE] on the cassette recorder.
As memory is being recorded, the industrial terminal will count and
display the number of data table words and program words that were
recorded on tape. This information is displayed as follows:
ABCD Program Words
EFGH Data Table Words
The cassette dump command is self-terminating. At completion, the
content on the tape should be verified. The operation is terminated by
pressing [CANCEL COMMAND].
Loading the processor memory from cassette tape can be done only in
program mode only when the memory write protect is not active. The data
table must be configured to the size which will match the data table of the
taped program. Set the data table size as described in Section 3.2.1, Data
Table Configuration. If the size of the data table on tape is not immediately
available and the processor is configured differently, the load operation
will abort automatically. The industrial terminal will display the data table
configuration contained on the tape along with a prompt to configure the
processor data table.
Digital Cassette Recorder
Dumping Memory Content
to Cassette Tape
Loading Memory from
Cassette Tape
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