Installing Your
Programmable Controller
Chapter 4
Table 4.E
Processor Operate and Shutdown Voltages
On this system
If the line voltage 120V
The processor should
drops below
increases to
start to operate
You provide the appropriate power cable to connect a processor with a
power supply (1771-P3, -P4, -P5 power supplies) to its terminal strip. A
processor without a power supply receives its power from the backplane of
the I/O chassis.
To connect the wires to the processor power plug or power supply terminal
strip, do the following:
Connecting the Processor
1. Strip 3/32 inch insulation from the end of the wire.
2. Insert screwdriver (tip should be no greater than 3/32 inch wide) into
the square opening.
3. Press down with the screwdriver. Figure 4.20 shows a top view of
the power plug.
4. Insert the wire into the round opening on the front of the plug.
5. Remove screwdriver.