Hardware Features
Chapter 3
This Power Supply:
Receives Power from:
And Supplies this Power
to the Chassis:
an external 120V ac power source
+5V dc
an external 24V dc power source
an external 120V or 220V ac
power source
ATTENTION: Do not parallel a 1771-P5 power supply and a
1772-LWP, -LXP, or -LZP processor because of power-up and
power-down timing differences.
Paralleling Cable
Use the 1771-CT paralleling cable to connect the 1771-P3 and 1771-P4
power supplies in parallel with the 1772-LZP, -LXP, or -LWP processor.
The 1785-MJ EEPROM provides 8K backup; the 1772-MJ EEPROM
provides 4K backup. Both EEPROMs are non-volatile and are physically
You can use the 1772-MJ with the PLC-2/02 and -2/16 processors. You
can also use it with a PLC-2/17 processor if your program END
statement address is not greater than 4095 and you have no stored
If your PLC-2/17 processor END statement is greater than 4095, then,
you must use the 1785-MJ for backup memory.
Important: You can use the 1785-MJ with the PLC-2/02 or -2/16
processors but you won’t use its full capacity.
ATTENTION: You must ensure that the addressing mode
stored on the EEPROM and the current addressing mode for the
selected rack are the same prior to uploading the EEPROM.
Failure to do so may result in unpredictable machine operation.