5-6-2 Intentionally left blank
5-6-3: LPATH command
abbrev: LPATH default: GPS parameter: destination’s callsign (may be combined with V for
relay up to 8 stations)
This is an UNPROTO compatible command used for GPS beacon transmissions. Set the
receiving stations’ (or digipeater’s) callsign(s). See APRS software documentation for more
information on the path of your beacons.
5-6-4: LOCATION command
abbrev. LOC default: EVERY 0 parameter: EVERY/AFTER 0-250
example: LOC E 1
This command determines the interval at which the LTEXT contents will be sent out as a beacon.
This is a similar command to BEACON in the conventional packet command set.
5-6-5 Intentionally left blank
5-6-6 LTEXT command
abbrev. LT default: none parameter: up to 160 letters.
Example: LTEXT text of LT
LT% (to empty the content)
LTEXT buffer contents will be transmitted as a beacon at the interval set with the location
command. Nothing will be transmitted if the LTEXT buffer is empty. Use % to empty the buffer.
By using the LTEXT command, you can manually insert text to be beaconed. The LTEXT buffer
can also be filled automatically by specifying a GPS output string using the GPSTEXT command
and connecting a GPS unit.
5-6-7 LTMON command
abbrev.: LTM default:0 parameter: 0-250
example: LTMON 5
The LTEXT contents can be sent to the computer and seen on the monitor as if it were received
over the air. The LTMON command specifies the output interval in units of 1 second. The output
won’t occur when the “0” is set as a parameter. Viewing the content of the LTEXT buffer is
possible by using the LTEXT command but it could be difficult depending on which terminal
software is being used and may cause the wireless modem to function.
5-6-8 LTMHEAD command << IMPORTANT
abbrev. LTMH default: ON parameter: ON/OFF
example: LTMHEAD OFF
This command specifies if a header (such as a call sign) is added with the LTMON command.