A chimney is properly functioning, if it meets the following conditions (Fig. 3):
If it extends the height of the rooftop (ridge, highest point) by at least 0.5 m,
If it extends the height of the house adjacent to the chimney, tree or other barrier,
If it is built inside house walls or, if the chimney is built on the outside walls, it must be well insulated,
If the chimney connection is tightly connected to the chimney, if the connection is extended,
If it is properly cleaned and free of birds nests, dirt and soot,
If the flue pipe does not enter deeply inside chimney opening, since this reduces the space for the
smoke to exit,
If all other required openings and cleaning access plates are well shut (sealed) to prevent generation of
“false” air,
If its duct is independent from other installation and has no cap on top.
Figure 3