© Honeywell LT-MS4IOG Rev. 04 | Revised October 2015
The after-hours timer (available in software as AV-98) automatically counts down whenever it is set to a
non-zero value.
To disable this feature, set the after-hours timer limit (AV-97) to zero.
DDC can read override status from BV-66, which is ON if the after-hours timer is non-zero. When BV-64
(occupied/unoccupied command) is ON, the after-hours timer automatically resets to zero.
Housekeeping override operation
Vacant hotel modes (M7 and M9) offer a housekeeping override. This is similar to the after-hours
override in that it causes occupied setpoint logic to be in effect. However, there are important
differences: the occupant can only start and stop the timer (timer adjustment is not allowed); the
override timer limit (AV-97) is read in minutes, not hours.
This feature can be disabled by setting the override timer limit (AV-97) to zero.
DDC can read override status from BV-66, which is ON if the housekeeping timer is non-zero. When
BV-64 (occupied/unoccupied command) is ON, the housekeeping timer automatically resets to zero.
English and metric units
You can set the Microset 4 to display English or metric units based on the selection in the DDC header
file or you can toggle that status in software. The English or metric setting is referred to as the native
units mode.
BV-69 can be set ON to reverse native units mode for the Microset 4 display. Thus, if the Microset 4 is
set to English, and BV-69 is ON, the Microset 4 displays units in appropriate metric equivalents. This
enables the system to display units at the Microset 4 according to occupant preference without a
programmer having to write separate DDC sequences around each unit of measure.
Outside air temperature (OAT) display
For OAT read at another unit to display at the Microset 4, the OAT value must be written in BCM DDC to
the Present Value of AV-103 in the Microset 4 or the VLC. Set AV-103 to -100 to disable the OAT
LCD backlight operation
In Occupied mode, or during Unoccupied mode with After-hours Override, the backlight dims after 20
seconds of no button activity.