CMM Front Panel
Chassis Management Module (CMM)
page 4-6
OmniSwitch 7700/7800 Hardware Users Guide
April 2005
To change the baud rate, enter
boot serialbaudrate
, followed by the desired baud rate value. Options
include 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 (default), 19200, 38400, 57600, 76800, and 115200. For example:
Boot > boot serialbaudrate 19200
Setting the console port to speeds above 9600 baud can cause problems with Zmodem uploads.
To change the parity value, enter
boot serialparity
, followed by the desired parity value. Options
include none (default), even, and odd. For example:
Boot > boot serialparity even
To change the data bits (i.e., word size) value, enter
boot serialwordsize
, followed by the number of
data bits. Options include 7 and 8 (default). For example:
Boot > boot serialwordsize 7
To change the stop bits value, enter
boot serialstopbits
, followed by the number of stop bits. Options
include 1 (default) and 2. For example:
Boot > boot serialstopbits 2
Verify your current changes by entering
at the boot prompt:
Boot > show
Edit buffer contents:
Serial (console) baud : 19200
Serial (console) parity : even
Serial (console) stopbits : 2
Serial (console) wordsize : 7
(additional table output not shown)
You can save your changes to the
file by entering
commit file
at the boot prompt:
Boot > commit file
When the
commit file
command is used, changes will not be enabled until after the next switch