Flashing 0: Access code (Password) request
You must enter the access code configured on L5 to execute the requested
function (p. 15).
VSee also parameter P2 (p. 20)
Probe 1 or 2 faulty
(open circuit, crossover or temperature outside the probe limits;
: -50
To 99 ºC).
Indicates a defrost is underway. When the defrost process has finished, the
message will continue to be displayed during the time defined in
parameter d3 (see Chapter 7.2).
Alternating with temperature:
Maximum temperature in control probe alarm. Temperature set in A1 has
been reached (p. 14).
Alternating with temperature:
Minimum temperature in control probe alarm. Temperature set in A2 has
been reached (p. 14).
Alternating with temperature:
External alarm activated (by digital input) (p. 14).
Alternating with temperature:
Severe external alarm activated (by digital input) (p. 14)
Alternating with temperature:
Defrost alarm time-out. Displayed when a defrost ends after the maximum
time elapsed as defined in parameter d1. (p. 14)
Alternating with temperature:
Door open alarm. Shown if the door remains open longer than specified in
parameter A12 (p. 14)
Alternating with temperature:
The maximum pump down stop time has been exceeded (
) (p. 14)
Alternating with temperature:
The maximum pump down start-up time has been exceeded (
) (p. 15).
It indicates that a component in the compressor's safety chain has
triggered (compressor motor guard, thermistors or high pressure
controller). (p. 15).
4.2- Messages
1763H532 Ed.02