MIDI control types at SIRION SC:
a- MIDI CC Type: In the MIDI CC Type menu you can assign individual control & change parameters to the Track encoder, the Pitch fader
and the Jog Wheel. In order to change the CC Type hold the Shift Button and turn the Track Wheel until you reach the desired position.
b- CC-RELATIVE (ENC): Control Change messages are status 0xBn, where n is the channel, for the specified CC controller. Thus the
controller MIDI ID is indicated with the channel along with the CC number. The value from 0x40 to indicate the change in the controller. This
is an offset to 0x40 “one's complement” notation. A message with data 0x43 indicates a positive change of 3. A messages with data 0x31
indicates a negative change of 15.
c- SWITCH ON/OFF (SW, CENTER, CW, CCW): These messages are used for switches. Control Change messages are sent with status
0x9n, SWITCH On and Off value are 0x7F and 0x00, where n is the channel.
d- LED ON/OFF (LED): These messages are used for LED. Control Change messages are sent with status 0x9n, LED On and Off value are
0x7F and 0x00, where “n” is the channel.
There are two ways of assigning DJ Software function to SIRION SC controls:
1- Use SIRION SC Internal Menu MIDI assign and MIDI MAP
2- Use DJ Software LEARN function
NOTE: the MIDI MAP is expressed in “Hexadecimal” base however you will have to use “Decimal” base values for mapping your DJ
At section
age 24 and 25
you will find SIRION
MIDI MAP and a draw of SIRION SC with all
control addresses in Decimal base.