Note that within the internal memory there are stored preprogrammed
discrimination maps to assist in quickly setting up the map. Choices are –
Clear all, Set
all, Coins, Only Ferrous, Only non ferrous
. To choose one of these preset maps you
must first be in the map menu then press the button [
]. On the screen will appear
The program name. To choose the appropriate map use the up/down keys.
To load the selected map press [
]. To exit press [
] or [
The installed programs of discrimination serve for acceleration of process of
adjustment of the discriminator.
Quantity and names of the pre-established programs of discrimination
IN YOUR DETECTOR can differ from described in the present instruction.
For fast programming of the discriminator, to a specific object type, there is the
Teach discriminate mode. This mode will allow the detector to store the scanned object into
memory and allow the user to reject or accept this type of object (VDI).
For discriminator programming in teach mode make the following. Insure Teach
discriminate has been turned to On then
1. Set mode to
2. Scan the object and insure an accurate hodograph.
3. To reject the object press the button [
], to accept the object press the
button [
4. If the received signal level is sufficient the detector will prompt the user either to
accept the VDI by pressing . To reject or cancel the inclusions press the
5. If the signal level is sufficient the detector will return to the search mode.
6. To verify that the accepted/rejected target was properly scanned into memory press
to enter into discriminate (
) and scan target to verify action.
When programming a target in teach mode the sector width, for accepting or rejection, is
set under parameter setting
Sector Width
(page 28). If the sector width is set to say 10 and the
scanned target VDI is +20 then the sector width will range from +15 to +25.
Also, when using the teach mode insure the repeatability of the targets VDI and
try to insure a repeatable VDI range of less than 5 VDI units.
In the device it is possible to set a sector for the special signal or bell tone. This
will allow the operator to assign this special bell tone to certain objects whose VDI borders
have been set under the parameters
left border/right border
. Do not set the width
between the borders to narrow due to the effect of ground mineralization. Mineralization
can affect the VDI of the desired target and if set too narrow the target may fall outside of
this sector. It is suggested to not set the sector width to less than 10 VDI units.