KONA Capture, Display, Convert v15.2 42 www.aja.com
Same parameters as SDI Output 1, but are applied to the KONA card SDI Output 2.
HDMI Screen
NOTE: This screen is not available on KONA 1.
The HDMI screen is used to configure the KONA card's HDMI Output signal.
HDMI Output
• Auto - Automatically sets the HDMI output format, based on the input or
selected format.
• Primary - Selects the framebuffer format for output.
• Secondary (KONA 4 in UFC mode) - Sets the HDMI output to the Secondary
format (set in the Format screen) for up/down/cross-conversion).
• 4K Quarter (KONA 5, KONA 4 in 4K mode) - Sets the HDMI output to
downconvert to HD.
NOTE: The 4K Transport setting on the SDI Out screen also affects the KONA HDMI
output signal, even if the SDI inputs are not being used. A SMPTE 2Si setting
is required for UltraHD/4K HDMI output. Other 4K Transport settings will
downconvert HDMI output to HD or 2K.