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Connect the connecting rod to the servo control arm and
the aileron control horn using 2mm machine screws,
locking nuts and a flat washer at the servo control arm.
(Turn on the transmitter, receiver and servo while making
adjusting to the connecting rod. This will keep the servo
in its correct position.)
Adjust the position of the aileron to the wing by turning
the turnbuckle. You do not need to disconnect it from
the servo or control horn.
The side fore generators simply bolt onto the wing with
4-40 machine screws. Carefully locate the 2 mounting
holes trim away the covering. The wing tips have a blind
nut installed beneath the covering. Use a hobby knife to
trim away the covering. (Use the holes in a spacer plate
to help locate the holes in the wing tip.) Assemble the
spacer plate and the side force generator to the wing
with the supplied screws and washers.
Landing Gear
Use the landing gear fasteners (4mm) located on the
bottom of the fuselage along with 3 flat washers located
in the landing gear package to assemble the landing gear.
Add a drop of removable thread locker to the screws
during assembly.